Sophia Yen, MD, MPH

Physician, Advocate, Educator.

Sophia Yen, M.D., M.P.H. is the CEO and Co-Founder of She has a passion for making women’s lives easier, preventing unplanned pregnancies, and educating women about #PeriodsOptional.

With more than 20 years of experience in medicine, she is board certified in both Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. She graduated with a B.S. from MIT, M.D. from UCSF Medical School, and M.P.H. from UC Berkeley in Maternal Child Health. She serves as a Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Stanford Medical School. She is a Reproductive Health Specialist and has co-founded 2 non-profit organizations in her endeavors to improve the lives of women: The Silver Ribbon Campaign to Trust Women and

She co-founded Pandia Health because she believes no one should suffer from “pill anxiety” – the fear of running out of birth control and the stress of having to obtain birth control each month. Dr. Yen enjoys educating the public and other physicians about birth control, menstrual regulation/elimination, sexually-transmitted infections, acne, obesity, and other adolescent health issues. She has spoken at TedX Silicon Valley Women, local high schools, Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula and given grand rounds and noon lectures at various academic institutions from Stanford Pediatrics and Internal Medicine to UCLA Internal Medicine.

Her academic research is focused on several issues in women’s reproductive health:

  • Emergency contraception awareness and use/prescription of EC by: college students, high risk for pregnancy patients (homeless and those without insurance), and physicians.
  • Contraceptive use and sexual practices of College Students
  • Expedited Partner Therapy for Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Bacterial Vaginosis


Dr. Yen has been published in: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, the Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Contraception, Pediatric Annals, and the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, and more.

Emergency Contraception Pill Awareness and Knowledge in Uninsured Adolescents: High Rates of Misconceptions Concerning Indications for Use, Side Effects, and Access.
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT GYNECOLOGY Yen, S., Parmar, D. D., Lin, E. L., Ammerman, S.2015; 28 (5): 337-342
IUDs and Adolescents An Under-Utilized Opportunity for Pregnancy Prevention.
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT GYNECOLOGY Yen, S., Saah, T., Hillard, P. J.2010; 23 (3): 123-128
Pilot Study of Reproductive Health Counseling in a Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic.
ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH Ronis, T., Frankovich, J., Yen, S., Sandborg, C., Chira, P.2014; 66 (4): 631-635
Contraception for adolescents.
Yen, S.,Martin, S. Pediatr Ann 2013 Feb 06
Direct pharmacy access to hormonal contraception: California physician and advanced practice clinician views.
Rafie, S., Haycock, M., Rafie, S., Yen, S., Harper, C. C. Contraception 2012 Dec
Pediatric Residents’ Knowledge, Use, and Comfort With Expedited Partner Therapy for STIs.
PEDIATRICS. Sept 2012. Hsii, A., Hillard, P. Yen, S., Golden, N.H.
Emergency Contraception Knowledge Among Teens Ethnicity & Disease
Urena, E., Yen, S.2009; 19 (2): S25-S27
Feasibility of a dance videogame to promote weight loss among overweight children and adolescents
ARCHIVES OF PEDIATRICS & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Madsen, K. A., Yen, S., Wlasiuk, L., Newman, T. B., Lustig, R.
Bacterial vaginosis in sexually experienced and non-sexually experienced young women entering the military
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Yen, S., SHAFER, M. A., Moncada, J., Campbell, C. J., Flinn, S. D., Boyer, C. B.2003; 102 (5): 927-933

As a Doctor, I'm one of few CEOs/founders that have taken an oath to "Do No Harm." I advocate for my patients, those with uteri, adolescents, and more.”